All Our Deliveries Are Carbon Neutral

Here's How It Works

  1. For every order we receive, a formula is used to calculate the estimated fossil fuel emissions associated with delivering the order.
  2. Based on those estimates, we send a portion of revenue to carbon removal companies that have been vetted by scientists from Carbon Direct.
  3. Those companies use that money to remove the amount of carbon the delivery created.

But What Kinds of Carbon Removal Solutions Do We Support?

You may have heard about mega high tech companies who want to do things like "geoengineer" the atmosphere by sucking carbon dioxide out of the air and pump it miles underground. Or other similar sorts of things.

We don't believe in that approach.

We've chosen to support only carbon removal solutions that are based directly in nature and the way She's always done it, such as working in harmony and respect for forests, native plants and habitat, and regenerative agriculture.

Here are two of the companies removing carbon from the air, naturally.

About Mast Reforestation

Mast Reforestation combines proven forestry practices with new technology to regrow healthy, resilient, climate-adapted forests lost to wildfires. Mast’s services include seed collection, seedling cultivation, reforestation services, and financing based on high-quality carbon removal credits.


About InPlanet

InPlanet specializes in supporting farms in the tropics. Their work is to enable farmers to move toward more sustainable agricultural practices that prioritize three desirable goals, all inherent in one another:

  • nutritious food
  • healthy ecosystems for future generations
  • and removal of CO2 from the atmosphere

Putting Things Into Planetary Perspective

To close, let's put things into perspective.

Scroll to the bottom and you'll see The Climate Clock.

It displays the critical time window we have in our generation to reach zero emissions (our “Deadline”), and also displays our status in various key solutions  (“Lifelines”). 

Since we believe in focusing on those lifelines, here they are.

Climate Clock Lifelines

  1. Renewable Energy: "Around three-quarters of global greenhouse gas emissions come from the burning of fossil fuels for energy. To reduce global emissions we need to rapidly shift our energy systems away from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy – especially wind and solar." –
  2. Indigenous Land Sovereignty: "Although they comprise less than 5% of the global population, Indigenous People protect 80% of the world’s biodiversity in the forests, deserts, grasslands, and marine environments in which they have lived for millennia." –
  3. Loss and Damage: The climate debt that moneyed, high-emitting G20  and G7 countries owe for the devastating impacts their excessive carbon emissions have caused others –
  4. Green Climate Fund: This is the fund set-up by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) for climate projects in 'developing countries' –
  5. Gender Parity: "Years of research has shown that when women participate in decision-making spaces, not only is there more effective risk management in their communities, they show a greater commitment to promoting climate policies that result in the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. Multiple studies show a clear positive correlation between female representation in parliaments and the robustness of climate action. One study, for example, showed that in countries with 38% or more women legislators, per capita forest cover increased considerably." –
  6. Fossil Fuel Divestment: "Divestment from fossil fuels is crucial to combat climate change by bringing economic pressure on Big Oil & Gas and encouraging investors to align with a just transition to renewable energy." –
  7. Regenerative Agriculture: "Agriculture contributes 18%-21% of global emissions. Moreover, 52% of agricultural soil is degraded, risking famine and the release of 850 billion tonnes of CO2e. Adopting sustainable agricultural practices, like regenerative agriculture, is key to reducing the sector's emissions and improving food security." –

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